2021 Tournament Results
March 20 Clinton Club Tournament
It certainly was nice to fish again in a CICC tournament. It has been quite a while since our last competition (18 months). The first club tournament in 2021 was held at Clinton Lake on Saturday, March 20 with a field of 10 boats. It was a cool morning, but it could not have been nicer in the afternoon. Clear skies with little wind. Most every team weighed 7 fish. Five lbs was hard to find, but the winning team of Steve Zehr and Dave Nugent weighed 4.93 pounds. 2nd place went to Brian McClure and TJ Hewerdine with 4.68 pounds. The team of Rick Barnes and Tom Fermanian brought in 4.66 lbs of crappie for 3rd place. A difference of 0.02 lbs between places is not that unusual for this club. Fourth place went to Brian Carter and 5th place went to the team of Steve Peck and Jenni Price. The club thanks the dozen renewal or new memberships.
Our next club tournament will be at Lake Shelbyville on April 17. Applications for this event are on the club website. The club got to use its brand new trailer, which made operations much easier. I apologize to Brian Carter and Steve Peck for the poor pictures. The side of the trailer turned out not to be the best background. Hope to see you at Lake Shelbyville with light winds and plenty of sunshine again.
April 17 Shelbyville Club Tournament
It was a relatively nice day for the 15 boats that participated in the April 17 Shelbyville club tournament. While it rained early in the morning the sun came out in the afternoon and it was a good fishing day for all. Every boat weighed in 7 fish. The winning team of Frank Revell and Matt Jones weighed 8.27 pounds of crappie and brought in the big fish at 2.17 lbs. This big fish set a new club record surpassing the old record of 2.09 lbs set in 2019 by the team of Andy Roberts and Bud York. Second place went to the team of Mike Hopkins and Shawn Shelby with 6.74 lbs. Jeff Voyles weighed 6.72 lbs of crappie for 3rd place. Fourth place went to the team of Rick Barnes and Tom Fermanian with 6.61 lbs. Greg Foley and Scott Matthews with 6.33 lbs took 5th place, while Travis Hughes and Stacy Rogers with 6.26 pounds came in 6th. Andy Roberts with 6.22 pounds was in 7th place.
The next tournament is again at the Bo Wood launch site on Lake Shelbyville on Saturday, May 22. We are hoping for good weather and excellent participation. After the tournament results are final the club will hold a crappie cookout at the Pavilion to the west of the boat launch parking lot. All members and their families are invited to this event. We plan to hold a brief membership meeting to discuss the future leadership direction for the club and solicit input from the membership. We would like to finalize the fall schedule for the club and discuss some of the outstanding issues of tournament rules. If you can't make it please relay your concerns to any of the club board members or send us a note at centralillinoiscrappieclub@gmail.com.
May 22 Shelbyville Club Tournament
On a very nice spring day, 11 boats entered the third club tournament for 2021. The weather was just about perfect with light breezes and partial cloudiness. The weights were certainly down from the previous month due to rising waters and cooler temperatures. The team of Fred Brozio and Jim Larson won the tournament with a weight of 6.98 lbs. This team also brought in the largest crappie at 1.39 lbs. Second place went to Jeff Voyles and Travis Hughes with 6.67 lbs. Bob Sarko and Rick Clifton weighed 6.53 pounds of crappie for 3rd place. Fourth place went to the team of Frank Revell junior and Debbie Revell at 6.29 lbs. Greg Kaiser and Jim Garrett weighed in 6.14 lbs for fifth place.
After the tournament, Bob Foran and his helpers provided a delicious crappie cookout for members. This was followed with a lively discussion on the club's future in a members meeting. We want to thank Bob and his crew for the wonderful cookout and thank all those that attended. The minutes of the meeting will be circulated to the membership separately. If any members are not receiving these write ups by email, please contact me and send a current email address. All this information is posted on the club Facebook page and website.
June 12 Decatur Club Tournament
The heat and humidity had a large impact on Saturday's tournament. Nine participants in 5 boats braved the heat, humidity, and turbulence from recreational boats. The winning team of Sean Shelby and Mike Hopkins weighed 7 crappie with a total weight of 5.84 lbs. Second place went to Bob Sarko, also with 7 fish at 5.58 lbs., and the big fish at 1.05 lbs. This was the last spring tournament, but tournament fishing returns on October 10th, 2021 with the Clinton Lake Exelon Open. This tournament features a guaranteed 1st place prize of $1000, paid ramp fees and a light lunch after the weight-in.
In a final note, does anyone have any objections or thoughts on moving the tournament starting times to 6 AM in late spring and early fall to avoid heat and recreational boat turbulence? Please email the club website or post on the Facebook page any of your thoughts. I thank everyone for helping this spring with tournaments and look forward to seeing you in the fall.
October 10 Clinton Open Tournament
It was a great day to be on the lake for the 10th of October. 17 boats entered the tournament, and the competition was close after the first two places. The Central Illinois Crappie Club expresses its deep appreciation for the support given by the Exelon corporation to support this tournament. Exelon provided a $1500 grant, paid all launch fees, and provided a wonderful lunch at weigh in. The tournament would not be possible without their generous help.
The team of Greg Kaiser and Jim Garrett won the tournament with a weight of 6.39 lbs for7 fish. Steve Zehr and Dave Nugent weighed 7 fish at 6.14 lbs. for second place. Both teams split the big fish pot with a fish of 1.01 lbs. Third place went to the team of Dan and Brent Whitecotton with a weight of 5.65 lbs. The last team receiving a check was Brian McClure and TJ Hewerdine with a weight of 5.51 lbs. All fish were returned to the lake.
Our next tournament is Saturday October 16 at lake Shelbyville. This tournament is also an open tournament and will launch from the Bo Wood ramp. Our normal open tournament payouts will be in place for this tournament. We hope to see you there!

October 16 Shelbyville Open Tournament
The team of Jeff and Frank Jr. Revell won the tournament with a weight of 6.17 lbs for7 fish. Andy Roberts and Bud York weighed 7 fish at 5.97 lbs. for second place. Jeff and Frank Jr. Revell also won the big fish pot with a fish of 1.64 lbs.
Our next tournament is Sunday November 7 at Lake Decatur. This tournament is a club tournament and will launch from the Nelson Park ramp. Our normal club tournament payouts will be in place for this tournament. We hope to see you there!
The CICC Executive Board has decided to cancel the November 13 tournament scheduled for lake Shelbyville due to a conflict with a scheduled Veterans fishing outing at the same Bo Wood ramp. Many of our members will be participating in this event.

Nov 7 Decatur clubTournament
The team of Jett Lappin Shiloh Shoppell won the tournament with a weight of 9.83 lbs for7 fish. David Birch weighed 7 fish at 7.90 lbs. for second place. Zach Hart and Mike Bristle won 3rd place with 6 at 7.10 lbs. Steve Peck and Jenni Price took 4th place with 7 fish at 4.81 lbs. Big Fish went to of Jett Lappin Shiloh Shoppell at 2.04 lbs.
Our next tournament is Sunday November 28 at Lake Shelbyville. This tournament is a club tournament and will launch from the Wilborn creek ramp. Our normal club tournament payouts will be in place for this tournament. We hope to see you there!
The CICC Executive Board has decided to cancel the November 13 tournament scheduled for lake Shelbyville due to a conflict with a scheduled Veterans fishing outing at the same Bo Wood ramp. Many of our members will be participating in this event.

Nov 28 Shelbyville club Tournament
The last tournament of the 2021 season was held at Lake Shelbyville on a cold but clear day. This club tournament had 11 entries. The team of Debbie and Frank Revell, Jr. won the tournament with a weight of 8.53 lbs for7 fish. Bob Sarko and Rick Clifton weighed 7 fish at 8.08 lbs. for second place. Third place went to the team of Chase and Mick Painter who weighed 7 fish at 7.80 lbs. Two teams (Zack Hari/Mike Bristle and Jim Garrett/Greg Kaiser) tied for 4th place with 6.68 pounds for 7 fish. Jeff Voyles and Nate Herschberger won the big fish pot with a fish of 1.76 lbs.
The CICC Executive Board will schedule a Board Meeting sometime in December to develop a tournament schedule for 2022. CICC members can add their input and are encouraged attend the board meeting. A notice will be sent to the general membership when the meeting is scheduled.