2017 Tournament Results
12/16/17 Shelbyville CLUB
Thrill of the Chill Tournament Results!!!
A last tournament was added in December with the club hosting six tournaments this fall. It was a cold, clear beginning to the day but it warmed up nicely by weigh-in. The format for this final tournament was different with anglers only allowed to use one pole with one hook. Tournament time was also shortened to 5 hours, 7 AM to noon. Seventeen anglers participated in the tournament with a total of 10 boats entered. This was a reduced entry fee and winner take all format. The team of Josh Nast and Dustin Reynolds presented the winning weight of 6.98 pounds and also won big fish at 1.48 pounds.
Greg Foley generously provided deer chili which was enjoyed by all. As always the club appreciates your participation. Next year’s slate of tournaments is currently under development and will be discussed at the next members meeting. We are working on two mega-payout open tournaments in the spring along with several other club events. Please attend the upcoming members meeting. We really need your input.
Tom Fermanian, Tournament Director
11/26/17 Shelbyville Club
What an amazing day of fishing for the end of November. A total of 36 fishermen in 18 boats participated in the last tournament of the year. All teams weighed 7 fish. Five teams had total weights over 7 pounds indicating a pretty good day on the lake. The winning team of Davis/Nast had 7.71 lbs. of crappie with one of them being the big fish at 1.45 lbs. Second place went to the team of Hampton/Carter with seven fish at 7.38 lbs. Roberts/Foley slid into third place with 7 fish weighting 7.32 lbs. Fourth-place went to the team of Clifton/Sarko at 7.20 lbs. Frank Revell Jr./Jeff Revell weighed into fifth place with 7.19 lbs. The team of Painter/Painter saw sixth place at 6.85 lbs. Seventh place went to Voyles/Cleland at 6.76 lbs. Eighth place to Shelby/Hopkins at 6.72 lbs. and Ninth place to Buehnerkemper/Niebrugge at 6.37 lbs.
NOTE*** A year-end members meeting is being planned for sometime in December. At that meeting we will finalize the 2018 slate of tournaments which so far looks very good . We are trying to secure two tournaments with $1000 plus payouts for first place.
Tom Fermanian - CICC Tournament Director
PLACE | Names | BF Weight | # Fish | Total Weight |
1 | Nast/Davis | 1.45 | 7 | 7.71 |
2 | Hampton/Carter | 1.37 | 7 | 7.38 |
3 | Roberts/Foley | 1.4 | 7 | 7.32 |
4 | Clifton/Sarko | 1.41 | 7 | 7.2 |
5 | F. Revell Jr./J. Revell | 1.26 | 7 | 7.19 |
6 | Painter/Painter | 1.44 | 7 | 6.85 |
7 | Voyles/Cleland | 1 | 7 | 6.76 |
8 | Shelby/Hopkins | 1.08 | 7 | 6.72 |
9 | Buehnerkemper/Niebrugge | 1.19 | 7 | 6.37 |
10 | Brozio/Lawson | 1.3 | 7 | 6.32 |
11 | Platzbecker/Holmes | 1.07 | 7 | 6.32 |
12 | F. Revell Sr./D. Revell | 1.33 | 7 | 6.3 |
13 | Jordan/Goodbrake | 1.18 | 7 | 6.11 |
14 | Birch/Fisher | 1.19 | 7 | 6.05 |
15 | Peck/Peck | 1.04 | 7 | 6.04 |
16 | Bennett/Marshall | 1.17 | 7 | 5.49 |
17 | Goodbrake/Goodbrake | 1.26 | 7 | 5.44 |
18 | Fermanian/Barnes | 1.09 | 7 | 5.35 |
11/12/17 Shelbyville OPEN
On a cold rainy Sunday 42 fishermen participated in a Central Illinois Crappie Club Open Tournament. Fishing was generally very good with four boats weighing 7 fish over 7 pounds. The team of Frank Revell Jr. and Jeff Revell captured first place with a weight of 7.39 lbs. Second place went to the team of Terry Davis and Josh Nast with a weight of 7.31 lbs. for 7 fish. The team of Brandenburg and Buehnerkemper came in third with 7 fish weighing 7.08 lbs. Frank Revell Sr. and Debbie Revell took fourth place with a seven fish weight of 7.03 lbs. Most of the other competing teams had total weights above 5 pounds so all in all fishing was quite good.
The Team of Brandenburg and Buehnerkemper also landed the biggest fish at 1.59 lbs. Most of the other teams caught at least one fish over 1 lb.
---The last tournament will be a club tournament at Lake Shelbyville launching from the “Bo Woods” ramp on Sunday November 26. We hope all club members will have an opportunity to participate!---
If you are already a member of the CICC, use this tournament as an opportunity to pay for your 2018 dues and see who can hold the Bragging Rights as the Black Sunday Tournament Winner!!! (Hmmm…. maybe we should get a trophy made for this!)
** Not a member of the CICC yet and still want to fish? Don’t worry… come out and join at this Tournament and we will carry your membership through the 2018 season…**
Thanks!Tom Fermanian, CICC Tournament Director
Place |
Team Members |
Big Fish |
# Fish | Total Weight |
1st | F. Revell Jr. / J. Revell | 1.31 | 7 | 7.39 |
2nd | Davis / Nast | 1.43 | 7 | 7.31 |
3rd | Brandenburg / Buehnerkemper | 1.59 | 7 | 7.08 |
4th | F. Revell Sr. / D. Revell | 1.21 | 7 | 7.03 |
5th | Lawson / Brozio | 1.58 | 7 | 6.92 |
6th | York / Roberts | 1.43 | 7 | 6.92 |
7th | Clifton / Sarko | 1.45 | 7 | 6.84 |
8th | Bennett / Marshall | 1.22 | 7 | 6.79 |
9th | Cleland / Birch | 1.08 | 7 | 6.23 |
10th | Boston / Radecki | 1.23 | 7 | 5.87 |
11th | Wood / Wood | 1.18 | 7 | 5.75 |
12th | Carter / Hampton | 1.04 | 7 | 5.64 |
13th | Goodbrake / Jordan | 0.94 | 7 | 5.62 |
14th | Peck / Peck | 7 | 5.59 | |
15th | Voyles | 1.06 | 7 | 5.38 |
16th | Shelby / Hopkins | 7 | 5.24 | |
17th | Justice / Turner | 1.03 | 7 | 4.84 |
18th | Hillard | 1.13 | 7 | 4.8 |
19th | Lane / Lane | 0.98 | 7 | 4.69 |
20th | Painter / Painter | 1.12 | 6 | 4.42 |
21st | Christensen / Stephens | 1.01 | 4 | 3.31 |
22nd | Fermanian | 0.78 | 5 | 3.21 |
10/29/17 Shelbyville Club
It was a chilly fall day on Lake Shelbyville. Temperatures were in the mid-30s at launch time, however it remained dry and the fishing was very good. Seventeen boats entered the tournament with 5 new members. All teams that weighed fish had 7 fish. The winning team of Clifton/Sarko had a weight of 7.43 pounds. Second and third place were captured by the Revell family with sons Frank Jr. and Jeff weighing 6.94 pounds. Mom and dad, Frank Sr. and Deborah, were edged out by their sons for third place with a weight of 6.75 pounds. Frank Jr. and Jeff also weighed the biggest fish at 1.44 pounds. The team of Shoppell/Knight took fourth place at 6.57 pounds. Fifth place went to York/Roberts with a weight of 6.45 pounds. It took 5.89 pounds for seventh place by the team of Nast/Reynolds. The last team to receive a check in eighth place was Davis/Bebon with a weight of 5.73 pounds.
There will be one more tournament this fall. Lake Shelbyville will again host an OPEN tournament launching from the Eagle Creek ramp on Sunday, November 12. This will be your last chance to once again match your skills with the best crappie fishermen in Central Illinois.
Tom Fermanian
Place |
Team Members |
Big Fish |
# Fish | Total Weight |
1st | Clifton/Sarko | 1.3 | 7 | 7.43 |
2nd | F. Revell Jr./J. Revell | 1.44 | 7 | 6.94 |
3rd | F. Revell Sr./D. Revell | 1.28 | 7 | 6.75 |
4th | Shoppell/Knight | 1.32 | 7 | 6.57 |
5th | York/Roberts | 1.22 | 7 | 6.45 |
6th | Radecki/Boston | 1.24 | 7 | 5.96 |
7th | Nast/Reynolds | 1.02 | 7 | 5.89 |
8th | Davis/Bebon | 1.22 | 7 | 5.73 |
9th | Lange | 1.07 | 7 | 5.28 |
10th | Cox/Hampton | 0.94 | 7 | 5.05 |
11th | Cleland/McCloud | 1.25 | 7 | 4.96 |
12th | Fermanian/Barnes | 1.01 | 7 | 4.90 |
13th | Nugent/Zehr | 0 | 7 | 4.86 |
14th | Shelby/Hopkins | 1.01 | 7 | 4.82 |
15th | Perck/Price | 1.05 | 7 | 4.73 |
16th | Christnensen/Stephens | 0 | 0 | 0 |
17th | Foley/Mooney | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10/14/17 Decatur Club
It was another great day for fishing! 10 boats entered the tournament with a total of 18 fishermen. This was the most amazing finish we have had in CICC history. The difference between first and last place was less than 1 pound. The first four finishing teams were within 0.04 pounds, so thank goodness we had those Pro Tournament scales!! All teams weighed 7 fish. The winning team of York/Roberts brought in 7.23 pounds of crappie. Second place was captured by the team of Lawson/Brozio with a weight of 7.22 pounds. 7.21 pounds was enough for third place by the new member team of Birch/Birch. In fourth place was John Carr with a weight of 7.20. In a distant fifth place was the team of Fermanian/Barnes with a weight of 7.14.
The big fish competition was just as close. The team of Radecki/Boston weighed a crappie at 1.54 pounds to win the big fish competition. Two other teams also weighed a big fish at greater than 1.5 pounds. An incredibly close tournament all around and enjoyed by everyone.
The next tournament will also be a club tournament at Lake Shelbyville launching from the “Bo Woods” ramp on Sunday October 29. We hope all club members will have an opportunity to participate!
Tom Fermanian,CICC Tournament Director
Place |
Team Members |
Big Fish |
# Fish | Total Weight |
1st | York/Roberts | 1.42 | 7 | 7.23 |
2nd | Lawson/Brozio | 1.27 | 7 | 7.22 |
3rd | Birch/Birch | 1.51 | 7 | 7.21 |
4th | Carr | 1.34 | 7 | 7.20 |
5th | Fermanian/Barnes | 1.24 | 7 | 7.14 |
6th | Humphrey/Humphrey | 1.52 | 7 | 6.77 |
7th | Hawkins/Hampton | 1.32 | 7 | 6.73 |
8th | Lange | 1.37 | 7 | 6.55 |
9th | Peck/Price | 1.23 | 7 | 6.50 |
10th | Radecki/Boston | 1.54 | 7 | 6.27 |
9/30/17 Clinton OPEN
I’m not sure about you, but I am still reeling from excitement about our Crappie Tournament sponsored by Exelon last Saturday on Clinton Lake… We had a perfect day and 35 boats participated, which is an all-time high for our club!! Keith Volker from Exelon provided a great overview on how Exelon supports fishing and habitat projects for Clinton Lake. Exelon covered the launch fees as well as providing drinks and lunch for all participants. Many teams brought in a great stringer of fish and found the secret to finding those big ones. Several boats brought youth participants, which shows that our fishing community is dedicated to involving kids in fishing and exposing them to our sport!!
We would also like to thank the following companies and people…
- Rich and John Goodbrake at Big Shot Crappie Chances – Provided a Pro Angler Rod and Tackle for youth giveaway
- Lee Sharp with Brushpile Jigs – Provided Tackle for youth giveaway
- Andy Roberts – Provided hand tied Jigs for youth giveaway
- Illinois Printing Services – Produced the plaques for the tournament

Place |
Team Members |
Big Fish |
# Fish | Total Weight |
1st | Wood/Wood - youth | 1.04 | 7 | 6.51 |
2nd | Davis/Mullins | 1.18 | 7 | 6.37 |
3rd | Hendrix/CSeaman | 1.04 | 7 | 5.68 |
4th | Humphrey/Humphrey | 0.98 | 7 | 5.39 |
5th | Lange/Durbin | 1.04 | 7 | 5.31 |
6th | Clifton/Sarko | 7 | 5.05 | |
7th | Kaiser/Garrett | 0.96 | 7 | 4.78 |
8th | Brozio/Penn | 7 | 4.75 | |
9th | Zook/Pough | 0.89 | 6 | 4.75 |
10th | Carr/Barnes | 0.97 | 7 | 4.72 |
11th | Zehr/Nugent | 0.91 | 7 | 4.68 |
12th | Tschantz/Deright | 1 | 7 | 4.68 |
13th | Lappin/Trudeau | 7 | 4.6 | |
14th | Cuffle/Smith | 1.05 | 7 | 4.55 |
15th | York/Roberts | 0.85 | 7 | 4.39 |
16th | Foster/Harper | 1.04 | 6 | 4.04 |
17th | Foster/Walters | 0.93 | 6 | 3.52 |
18th | McClure/Hewerdine | 5 | 3.02 | |
19th | Lehew/Lehew - youth | 0.96 | 4 | 2.56 |
20th | Collins/Collins | 0.88 | 3 | 2.28 |
21st | Sharp/Holzner - youth | 4 | 2.27 | |
22nd | Shelby/Hopkins | 4 | 2.09 | |
23rd | Jordan/Goodbrake | 3 | 2.07 | |
Goodbrake/Goodbrake | DNW | |||
Schnepper/Cruse | DNW | |||
Peck/Price | DNW | |||
Lane/Lane | DNW | |||
Nast/Reynolds | DNW | |||
Stookey/Sindle | DNW | |||
Hari/Tavenner - youth | DNW | |||
Fermanian | DNW | |||
Crawley/Ashenfelter | DNW | |||
Wiekle/Wiekle | DNW | |||
Riorden/Kayhill | DNW | |||
Orr/Vecera | DNW |
6/3/17 Shelbyville Open
Well the 2017 Spring Crappie tournaments are officially over for CICC. We finished our last spring tournament at Shelbyville last Saturday and it was a crazy one. Everyone fishing had to fight through the launch issues at the Bo Woods Ramp, an unexpected High School Bass tournament, and all of the pleasure boaters. It was quite interesting, but at least the weather was nice!! Fishing was tough, but several people did weigh in fish and found the elusive hiding spots for the high water on Shelbyville right now. Congratulations to the Carr's, Mr. Lappin and his sidekick, and Jimmy Lawson with a new fishing partner.
Place |
Team Members |
Big Fish |
# Fish | Total Weight |
Big Fish | Lappin/Eller | 1.0 | ||
1st | Carr/Carr | 0.68 | 7 | 4.2 |
2nd | Lappin/Eller | 1.0 | 2 | 1.6 |
3rd | Lawson/Ziegler | 0.6 | 3 | 1.53 |
4th | Hillard/Hillard | 0.51 | 3 | 1.42 |
5th | Bristle/Hari | 0.68 | 2 | 1.17 |
6th | Foster/Kahlen | 0.57 | 2 | 1.1 |
Humphrey/Humphry | ||||
Schnepper/Calcagno | ||||
Markwell/Townsend | ||||
F. Revell/D. Revell | ||||
Price/Peck |
5/7/17 Shelbyville Club
Fortunately the tournament was held on Sunday…. Saturday was a very windy day, but Sunday turned out to be ideal weather for the tournament. Lake Shelbyville water levels have risen over 10 feet in the last two weeks so fishing conditions were not ideal. 14 boats entered this club tournament, with 7 boats weighing fish. The team of Coleman/Follmer won the day with a weight of 4.18 pounds and landed big fish at 0.86 pounds. Second place went to Jim Lawson fishing as a stand-alone competitor with a weight of 4.08 pounds. The team of Goodbrake/Jordan came in third with a total weight of 3.86 pounds. Most fish were caught shallow under a float and finding tournament fish turned out to be quite a challenge.
Place |
Team Members |
Big Fish |
# Fish | Total Weight |
Big Fish | Coleman/Follmer | 0.86 | ||
1st | Coleman/Follmer | 0.86 | 7 | 4.18 |
2nd | Lawson | 0.73 | 7 | 4.08 |
3rd | Goodbrake/Jordan | 0.83 | 7 | 3.86 |
4th | Fermanian/Barnes | 0.71 | 7 | 3.42 |
5th | Roberts/Phillips | 7 | 3.31 | |
6th | Carr | 0.81 | 5 | 3.29 |
7th | Peck/Price | 0.60 | 7 | 2.49 |
Cleland/Birch | ||||
Foster/Foster | ||||
Shelby/Hopkins | ||||
Pickford | ||||
Foley/Mooney | ||||
Harper/Stoddard | ||||
Lappin/Lappin |
4/22/17 Decatur Club
What looked like a potentially rainy day turned out to be quite nice by weigh-in. A strong northeast wind persisted throughout the day. The tournament had 11 boats entered with most teams doing very well. First place went to the team of Bud York and Andy Roberts who set a club record weight at 9.59 pounds for 7 fish. Congratulations guys!!!! That is a record that should stand for quite a while. John and Joe Carr took second place with a weight of 7.55 pounds. Normally a winning weight on Lake Decatur, but over 2 pounds behind York/Roberts. Third place went to John and Rich Goodbrake with a weight of 6.69 pounds. Team Goodbrake, also landed the big fish of the day at 1.61 pounds.
A special thanks goes out to Brushpile Jigs for their sponsorship of this tournament. A 50/50 drawing to support the kids rodeo this fall was also held. Thanks again to all who participated. It turned out to be a very nice day!
Place |
Team Members |
Big Fish |
# Fish | Total Weight |
Big Fish | Goodbrake/Goodbrake | 1.61 | ||
1st | York/Roberts | 1.58 | 7 | 9.59 |
2nd | Carr/Carr | 1.49 | 7 | 7.55 |
3rd | Goodbrake/Goodbrake | 1.61 | 7 | 6.69 |
4th | Markwell/Townsend | 1.49 | 7 | 6.09 |
5th | Peck/Price | 0.93 | 7 | 5.85 |
6th | Lange | 0.94 | 6 | 4.70 |
7th | Fermanian/Barnes | 4 | 2.60 | |
8th | Lawson/Brozio | 1.15 | 3 | 2.57 |
9th | Radicki/Boston | 0 | ||
10th | Foster/Dial | 0 | ||
11th | Shelby/Hopkins | 0 |
3/26/17 Clinton Club
The first tournament of the year is in the books! A Big thank you to everyone that came out to fish and help run the tournament. 18 boats were in the field and winning came down to finding those kicker fish that bump the scales up to a winning number. All teams agreed, finding those nine and a half to ten inch fish was not difficult but locating and getting those big bites were.
Place |
Team Members |
# of Fish | Total Weight | Big Fish |
Big Fish | Holzner/Stoddard | 1.28 | ||
1st | Humphrey/Humphrey | 7 | 5.65 | 1.05 |
2nd | Holzner/Stoddard | 7 | 5.61 | 1.28 |
3rd | Trudeau/Trudeau | 7 | 5.39 | 0.9 |
4th | Zehr/Nugent | 7 | 5.26 | 0.85 |
5th | Wilcox/Sharp | 7 | 5.22 | 0.87 |
6th | Davis | 7 | 5.13 | 0.85 |
7th | Nast/Reynolds | 7 | 5.04 | 0 |
8th | Goodbrake/Goodbrake | 7 | 4.84 | 0.77 |
9th | Roberts/Phillips | 7 | 4.82 | 0 |
10th | Garcier | 7 | 4.79 | 0.87 |
11th | Lappin/Lappin | 7 | 4.76 | 0 |
12th | Lehew/Scoles | 7 | 4.72 | 0.78 |
13th | Foley | 7 | 4.72 | 0.94 |
14th | Foster/Walters | 7 | 4.42 | 0.65 |
15th | Jordan | 7 | 4.41 | 0.78 |
16th | Price/Peck | 7 | 4.27 | 0 |
17th | Fermanian/Barnes | 7 | 3.35 | 0 |
18th | Pickford/Pickford | 3 | 1.92 | 0.84 |